SLS Hotel Offers
More is more. Make the most out of your stay when you book with an SLS signature offer. Get more time to indulge, more VIP perks, and more experiences to savor.
La cuarta noche corre de nuestra cuenta
Receive your 4th night on us and a $200 food and beverage credit.Offer valid from now until December 2025. -
Platinum Room Package
Elevate your stay during The Bahamas Culinary & Arts FestivalReserve your stay between October 19-26, 2025. -
Gold Room Package
Elevate your stay during The Bahamas Culinary & Arts FestivalReserve your stay between October 19-26, 2025. -
Para los que hacen travesuras
For the ultimate party getaway, enjoy special amenities to get the festive vibes going (or to recover from them).Cuanto más tiempo se quede, más ahorrará. -
Desenfreno en Baha Bach
Reúna a sus mejores chicos o chicas y venga a celebrar su despedida con estilo. -
Fall Groups Promotion
From intimate dinners to corporate meetings, enjoy special perks for your gathering at SLS.Exclusivo para organizadores de reuniones -
Snowbird Escape
Escape to endless sunshine with SLS South Beach’s Snowbird EscapeWarm up with the ultimate Winter escape. -
Quédese más tiempo y ahorre
Enjoy extraordinary savings of up to 30% off when you stay longer.Cuanto más tiempo se quede, más ahorrará.

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