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Champán junto a la cama en un cubo de hielo, con diamantes y joyas esparcidas por todas partes



Each SLS guest room and suite captures the alluring energy of Barcelona and acts as an invitation to indulge. Luxuriously-appointed, with a playful spirit and unexpected detailing, accommodations are designed to delight, mixing opulence and comfort to create a stay that is nothing short of extraordinary.

SLS Barcelona is under construction with a planned opening of December, 2024. In the event that unforeseen delays occur, we may need to adjust your reservation. Thank you for your understanding and please email with questions or concerns.

Elige tu propia aventura: ¿Deleitar o cautivar? Por suerte, no puedes equivocarte.

Las suites del SLS Barcelona son tan dulces como suenan. ¿Qué se ofrece? Pura felicidad en la suite Euphoria, permiso para disfrutar de la suite Luxuriate o una estadía para las estrellas en la única suite Celestial.